Nyala, the Trivia and the Wings, leaders in the first day of Puig 12mR World Championship

  • The mythical 12 Meters debut in Spain, playing her World Championship, within the framework of the VII Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona.
  • More than 80 sailors from 7 countries have played a first race characterized by mild navigation conditions

Barcelona, 14th of July 2014. Just finished a World Championship on the lawn, starts another on the coast of Barcelona. The Mediterranean capital has begun its seafaring week with the first race of the World Championship, Puig 12mR World Championship. Crews, citizens and tourists have enjoyed this afternoon an exciting start of the regatta which today hosts the Real Club Náutico from Barcelona. The more than 80 sailors participating in the regatta have worked from the early morning to hone their sailboats before disputing the race.

Yachts and crews of this legendary mythical class come from countries such as UK, Denmark, USA, Italy, France and Monaco.

The Italian Nyala, first leader after the two races held today

At 12:30 has started the opening race of the 12 Meters World Championship, which this year takes place within the framework of the Barcelona Puig Vela Clàssica Regatta. A milestone for the Spanish sailing, which can watch, competing for the first time, these legendary boats that, besides that, allow Barcelona to host for the first time a World Championship of keel-boats.

A benign weather has favored the mild conditions for the seven participating boats, with an easterly wind (90º) in the first race, which has slightly rolled up 110º in the second race of the day, while the intensity was 8-9 knots in the morning, and has slightly fallen at the end of the second race.

The Nyala of Patrizio Bertelli has been the star of the day, after winning the first race and then adding a second position before the German Trivia of Wilfried Beeck, which has finally arrived first in the second race after having added a third position in the morning regatta. Partial podiums have been completed by the British Wings of Guy Riberdeau-Dumas, after finishing second and a third position.

Behind them the fleet has repeated the same order in both races: the fourth position for the Danish Vanity V, the fifth for the American Vim, the sixth for the Portuguese Seven Seas of Porto and the seventh for the Emilia from Monaco.

A nautical class wits its own history

The 12meters class is composed of boats between 20 and 23 meters length with a mast of about 26 meters. These sailboats have played a very significant role in the development of sport sailing of the XXth century and their designs have been created by some of the best naval architects of the world: Fife, Burgess, Nicholson or Stephens, among others.

Since its inception in 1907, 196 sailboats have been built and many of them have participated in sporting events as relevant as the Olympic Games of 1908, 1912 and 1920; the elegant regattas in Britain and Europe during the thirties; and ten America’s Cups from 1958 to 1987, thus becoming authentic nautical treasures.

Rankings at the end of the first day

End of an onshore World Championship and beginning of an offshore one

After the completion of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Barcelona takes over the competition, but in the sea, with the Sailing World Championship Puig 12mR World Championship. From Monday 14th of July until Saturday 19th, the capital will become the epicenter the navigation with history, since, besides that, Thursday 17th July is the opening of the VIIth edition of the regatta Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona, which has become one of the main international events of the classic navigation, both for the quality of its participants and for its unique environment, and which, year after year, wins loyalists among the most expert owners and enthusiasts. The competition will end, as well as the World Championship, on Saturday 19th of July.

VII Puig Vela Classica Barcelona
Nyala, infront ob Barcelona’s coast.

VII Puig Vela Classica Barcelona
Vanity V’s crew during the race.