Avel, Peter, Yanira and Moonbeam III impose themselves at the second day of the VI Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona

  • In this second day has taken place a really technical and spectacular start In front of the Olympic port of Barcelona thanks to the exciting duels between this competitive fleet
  • The good weather and a why 7 knots wind had accompanied the classic yachts during the hole competition

The Olympic Port of Barcelona has been the location responsible for holding the second day’s departure of the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona regatta. The yachts have been sailing near the coast up to the W Hotel, so the people from the coast could enjoy, another day, from this unique performance of naval treasures from Europe and America.

One of the most catching characteristics of the race is that, because the yachts sail very close to each other, the crews are able to watch their competitors’ sailing skills and movements, what makes the regatta more interesting.

A really disputed regatta

Thrilling racing day during this second day at the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona., which adds two results to the general classifications. Punctuations that the Peter (Marconi Class) and the Avel (Gaff Rigged Class) have been able to repeat in order to ensure their leadership in both categories. At the same time their competitors have alternated their positions from yesterday being able to open some space at the general classification. On the contrary, the Classics and Big Boats have compacted themselves. The triumphs of the Yanira and the Moonbeam III have been the extra reward to lead also the general classifications. Tomorrow it’s going to be a lot to stake, as raising the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona trophy is the most coveted moment of the races disputed at the Mediterranean.

Once again there was a low wind obligated to postpose 30 minutes the starting shot. When 6-7 knots of intensity were reached and a course of 185-190º was established the regatta’s committee started the competition with the four participant categories leaving in stages. The initial courses were: 6 stretches and 16,5 miles for the Big Boats and 5 stretches with 12,6 miles for the Classics and the Marconi and Gaff Rigged Classes.

The Vintage fleet didn’t completed the initial stretch provided, due to the committee’s decision to shorten their race at the fourth stretch after having sailed 8,4 miles. The Gaff Rigged saw how this time the Gippsy started the first without troubles, while a little nit more windwarded and delayed the Marigan, the Avel and the Marigold did the same. The fight disputed the whole first stretch, sailing luffed trying to win or to avoid loosing the wind, until the Avel reached the buoy where she advanced the Marigan. The Marigan sailed behind the leader without troubles, controlling the Marigold who completed the podium at the end of the race. The Gaff Rigged had the Peter as a soli leader again, while the duel of the category was being fought behind her. This time the Manitou was able to win the Mercury for less than a minute after the times compensation, the same that happened with the Amorita and the Argyll.

The Classics fleet has had with the Yanira a clear dominator. While the Karmatan II had to repeat her start after advancing herself during the start shoot. The Yanira started with a perfect start while controlling the Emeraude, who was advancing her after the first stretch. But after that, the Yanira committed a mistake and lost the windward wind that allowed her to scape. Even though at the same arrival line the Emeraude was crossing the fist for just a second, the times compensation was clearly favourable to the Yanira, and even the Glen Mael, who was able to defend her inferior rating. The Alba committed two mistakes, by leaving with delay and without wind, though she was able to repair it after putting the first bollard. But after passing the first buoy, the stream opposed her process making her to spent more than one minute to pass the mark properly. Both troubles relegated the yacht to the fourth place on the current race.

Despite the impotent dimensions of the Big Boats, the main characters of the category knew how to spread themselves through the starting line. Meanwhile the Mariette of 1915 an the Mariquita started by windward, the Moonbeam IV and it younger brother the Moonbeam III did it a little bit more by downwind. The game they’ve been playing during the four racing hours has been intense and pretty tactical, having on mind the two chronometers to evaluate how the participants were compensating the times. The Moonbeam III has been the one with better marks, while the Mariquita was the second with just 35 seconds of advantage regarding the Mariette of 1915, the Moonbeam IV was fourth after being unable to get on the regatta’s course of Barcelona.

Results and classifications of the Second Race